(Nymphaia Phantasticus)

I first got my inspiration whilst visiting a pond and thought how cool it would be if one of the lilypads were actually a creature.
This then lead me to delve deeper into this idea.
This creature is fresh water and mimics a lilypad to be safe from predators and to disguise against prey.
When moving downstream, it floats with its mouth open like a basking shark and is able to filter feed.
Its other source of food would be from its camouflaged tendrils that look like kelp/weed. Creatures would swim through but then become immobilised by the venom (similar to jellyfish), then they would swim around and grab the prey.

Illustration of the environment and feeding of my Nymphaia Phantasticus creature design.
I wanted to show the type of environment my water Lily ray creature lives in along with how it usually feeds using it’s tendrils and basking mouth.
The water Lily ray resides in large ponds, lakes and rivers but not too close to a delta where fresh water mixes with salt.
It usually prefers murky, dingy, still or slow moving water, where it can rest on the surface tension and allow for small fish and other creatures to pass through its deadly tendrils.
This animal is all about camouflage and mimicking it’s environment!

Freelance Artist EmilyMeganArt online portfolio showcasing original concept art, illustration and 3D sculpting for Games and other Media.